Wednesday, June 23, 2010

dealing with EF error

I have been spending a lot of time lately comparing NHibernate with Entity Framework using POCOs. I have been hesitant to blog about potential flaws in the EF because there hasn’t been a lot of writing out there on the subject. One experience I have had shows the holes in what is essentially a 1.0 for POCO support. The mapping error handling in EF must be improved.
If you make a mistake in EF where your class doesn’t map correctly to the model, you are likely to see this error “Mapping and metadata information could not be found for EntityType 'YourNamespace.YourClass'. When not using POCOs with EF, the properties in the class that map to the model are automatically generated. However, with POCOs you are on your own. For troubleshooting I did find it helpful to temporarily turn code generation of classes on and then compare my properties with those generated by the EF templates. It still is error handling that sucks, and it should be improved by Microsoft’s EF team. Ideally, the missing or mistyped property should be spelled out. In fact, when using EF with EntityClasses I received at one point (after mucking around in the model .edmx xml file) this error “The type 'Employee'('EntityType') of the member 'manager' in the conceptual type 'HelloEfModel.Employee' doesn't match with the type 'collection[HelloNHibernate.Employee(Nullable=True,DefaultValue=)]'('CollectionType') of the member 'manager' on the object side type 'HelloNHibernate.Employee'.” That is exactly the kind of error I want to see!

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